I've been writing poems for about two years now, and one of the first poems I had published was Unwelcome Neighbours . It's about one of my favourite animals: the grey-headed flying-fox (a species of fruit bat). Flying-foxes live in colonies, and in Melbourne the colony used to live in the Botanic Gardens, until there were complaints about them damaging trees by eating and roosting in them. The solution was to move the entire colony to another park, a feat that had never been undertaken before, and I thought it was remarkable. Researchers, government officers and park rangers worked together to use a combination of deterrents (a sound that the bats didn't like) and lures (delicious-smelling fruit) to shift the colony east. The bats never made it to their final destination, instead settling in Yarra Bend park, which somebody decided was a good enough outcome. Thousands of bats still live in the Yarra Bend colony, and they're adorable. Sometimes I...